June 27, 2008

Potty trained at 23 Months

this is the Zem.
Originally uploaded by snaulkter
It seems like it was longer, but it was almost exactly one month ago when we first got this little potty chair. A month later, she's a potty-trained, 23 month old Champion Bebe! In the past 48 hours, she has used her potty *6* times. I am so proud of my little boo.

She likes to bring me the pot to show me what she did, and then we celebrate with lots of squeals, shouts, stickers, hugs, and kisses. Whenever she does something wonderful, she throws her arms up inthe air and says, "A-hee!" Today she was so excited that she tripped and spilled the peepee all over the floor. We both laughed about it and I gave her more stickers.

I'm looking forward to doing less laundry. And I'm so very proud of my little Zem!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

well that's fun. my second daughter was about that fast too, she wanted to be just like her big sister and she pretty much potty-trained herself! Good Job! I blog-tagged you if you want to play.